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Water Colour Painiting of a Lake

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is this contest for?

The “EVOKE” Nation-wide Art Contest is open to youth aged 13 – 25 that are residing in Canada.

I am not aged 13 to 25. How can I get involved?

Though submissions will only be accepted from youth who are aged 13 to 25, you can help spread the word and tell all your family and friends about the contest! Using the EVOKE Discussion Guide, you can also start conversations with youth in your community about human rights in a fun and creative way.

I am from an organization that is interested in this contest. How can I get involved?

Thanks for your interest! You can:

  • Help promote the contest among your network
  • Facilitate a human rights discussion by downloading the guide
  • Become a promotional partner by encouraging youth to submit their entries to the contest and be eligible for a stipend
  • Contact for more information and our team will get back to you.

I am an educator who is interested in this contest. How can I get involved?

Thanks for your interest! You can:

  • Help promote the contest among your network
  • Facilitate a human rights discussion by downloading the guide
  • Encourage youth to submit their entries to the contest
  • Contact for more information and our team will get back to you.

Is this contest open to youth who do not live in Canada?

No. Submissions for the EVOKE art contest will only be accepted from youth residing in one of Canada’s 13 provinces/territories.

Youth who are not eligible to enter the contest, but are still interested in expressing themselves through art can submit their work to the Global Gallery at

Does this contest require an entry fee?

No, it is free to participate!

Can I submit entries as part of a group?

No. Entries can only be made by individuals. Group entries are not allowed.

Can I submit as many entries as I want?

No. Entries are limited to 1 per person.

When does the contest close?

The contest closes on May 25, 2010.

Which language should I use?

Participants may express themselves in one of Canada’s official languages - English or French.

Where can I learn more about human rights?

To begin your journey to learning more about human rights, visit the global issues page at or learn more about the Universal Declaration of Human Rights here:

What type of art can I submit?

Submissions can include video or digitized images of any creative visual arts form that can be uploaded. This includes, but is not limited to, painting, sculpture and photography.

What type of art is not eligible?

The contest is limited to visual arts. Written forms of art, such as short stories and poetry, are not eligible.

What can I submit art about?

Anything to do with human rights. Art can be about a personal experience, idea, historical event, perspective, opinion etc. Participants can reflect on past and present human rights issues and events from around the world. They can also think about the future of human rights issues and prepare art that reflects their vision. The issue should be important to you and one that you have a personal connection with.